
– Improving the efficiency of using the potential of domestic fundamental science in the interests of ensuring the safety of life and defense.

– Study of natural environments and geophysical processes, identification of relationships and mutual influence of processes occurring in the atmosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere and lithosphere, assessment of their impact on the reliability and damage indicators of complex technical systems for civil and military purposes.

– Development of scientifically-based methods for ensuring safe operation, forecasting reliability and application after long-term storage in natural environments of civil and military equipment structures.


– Search and research of new prognostic signs of extreme natural processes occurring in the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere; studies of the influence of meteorological factors and the marine environment on the reliability of technical systems; ecological and economic assessment of the impact of natural and technical systems on the environment

– Identification of zones of occurrence of earthquake foci associated with large deep faults in the south of Russia, identification and mapping of the boundaries of seismic generating structures; study of the dynamics of their displacement and refinement of maps of detailed seismic zoning of the territory.

– Mathematical modeling of the dynamics of mountain glaciers and the study of the impact of climate change on their evolution.

– Study of hydrodynamic processes in the coastal zone of the sea, assessment of storm activity and storm abrasion of the coast, assessment of interaction in the shelf-deep sea system and flood processes in the protection of sea coasts and water areas.

– Development of methods for improving the reliability, evaluation and prediction of changes in time performance and durability of various classes of materials, structures and complex technical systems operated in the atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere.

Branch of Federal state scientific institution “Institute of natural and technical systems” in Sochi consists of three laboratories:

1. Laboratory of Geophysical problems and mathematical modeling

2. Laboratory of Reliability of technical systems in geophysical environments

3. Laboratory of Environmental economics and ecology